Campus Police take Pictures of Students Smoking Pot?


stays relevant.
Colorado Campus cops are complete losers, go figure they remove their stupid witch hunt website, and put their tails between their legs running home like the worthless sacks of shit they are. Why don't they spend their time investigating dorm-room rapes, or hard drugs that are consumed on campus? What idiots.

Every single person who snitched on someone deserves the bad karma that they WILL be getting. Man, that type of shit would NEVER fly here in LA.


Well-Known Member
at least they didn't get my cousin from under that parachute! (for anyone who saw the vid)


Active Member
Where I come from... Snitching to any cop can cause serious health problems... And the nearby college, (not gonna say WHAT college) I don't even go there - but I was with my buddy who does, at a party, and a campus cop came rolling up in a golf cart as we were out side smoking a bowl. Keeping it short, he ran his mouth and tried to act big so we went inside ignoring him, put two ski masks on our faces and changed our shirts, went back out about 45 seconds later as he was still there running his mouth to some other dude who was at our party. We grabbed him, tied him to a telephone pole out by the road, wrote DICK on his forehead with a permanent red marker and stole his pants.

Not gonna say what college that was at... but heres a clue: Eastern PA, about 10 minutes from philly.

That's how we treat them wanna-be's around here... Almost wasnt worth it with the cost of all the duct tape we used xD


Well-Known Member
Where I come from... Snitching to any cop can cause serious health problems... And the nearby college, (not gonna say WHAT college) I don't even go there - but I was with my buddy who does, at a party, and a campus cop came rolling up in a golf cart as we were out side smoking a bowl. Keeping it short, he ran his mouth and tried to act big so we went inside ignoring him, put two ski masks on our faces and changed our shirts, went back out about 45 seconds later as he was still there running his mouth to some other dude who was at our party. We grabbed him, tied him to a telephone pole out by the road, wrote DICK on his forehead with a permanent red marker and stole his pants.

Not gonna say what college that was at... but heres a clue: Eastern PA, about 10 minutes from philly.

That's how we treat them wanna-be's around here... Almost wasnt worth it with the cost of all the duct tape we used xD
lmao classic
woulda been funnier if one of u had a shirt on that said 'goon' haha