Can a budding plant start producing flowers?


Active Member
i ve grown this plant for about 3 months in a kitchen cupboard unit. hence the shape.
it was going fine until the first colouring or hairs. small flowers seem to be forming on top of some buds. the buds themselves have gone more bulbous in appearance. the buds have starting crystalling yet the plant is not aromatic as i d expect at this stage.
has it changed sex? is the bud still worth continuing? have i ruined it? and am i going to be left with aload of old shite!? how long til i have too wait?



Well-Known Member
if you are really seeing what are female flowers (Its what they do when they turn hermie)
then it would ruin your bud and give you lots of seeds, best thing to do is cut it before it pollinates the rest of you plants to. let ur shit dry/cure and it will still be a good smoke.

hermies occur when a plant has been put under stress making it pollinate itself to ensure the survival of the species.