Can a Plant do This?


I think one of my plants is turning hermi, is it possible to grow banana sacks at the top of the bud? Right in the center?


Well-Known Member
Nirvana's Master Kush did that on me. Some learned people told me it'd be alright. And it was. Looks like dreadlocks.


Well-Known Member
I will try and get some pics up!
Good idea, since its also possible your plant is not going hermie on you. sometimes new leaf sets can look kind of worrying at first and make you kind of wonder. hopefully that is the case. How does it look today now? even if you cant put up pics for some reason within a few days you should be able to tell for sure which it is. If its an important plant to you and would really like to keep it you can pick up some dutchmasters reverse and saturator to have on hand if it does show its hermie. That is a bit of a gamble though as it doesnt always work on genetic hermies in my experience, which is what the plant you have would most likely be if it is hermie. unless youve light stressed the grow somehow but since the rest are fine that seems unlikely to me.