Can a plant show its gender B4 Flowering?


Well-Known Member
after a while in veg it is possible for the plants to show preflowers... it usually happens after/around 4 weeks of solid veg, and before you induce flowering....


i had it close to 2 moths of veg. the little wart lookin thing come out i the middle of the big stem bttween the 2 joints that make up the leafs, u know what im sayin and i been seein pictures of males and the pistols happen to grow on the joint connecting the small braches right?
no, clone then flower those clones you know what the perents are before you flower them. You'l never know untill fall or reduced light periods of at least 2 weeks.
trust this
NO! clone then flower those clones from there perents. Or cut the light cycle and color 12/12 red/orange for 2 weeks. boys have balls, girls have buds.


Well-Known Member
I always look for the preflowers after a month. It can be a little tricky sometimes as I just had one that I was almost certain was a girl, but turned out male. Look for a more spear looking preflower if they're long and skinny its most likely a female, the males can look sorta like spears too sometimes, but if they're shorter and more round on the bottom they're probably male...its a lot easier if you get on that with a magnifying glass too. hope that helped


Well-Known Member
really.. the best thing to do is just wait until flowering... within 2 weeks of 12/12 you should/will know whether they are male or female... you will still have PLENTY of time to remove the males before they have a chance to pollinate the females... and once you know which are males or females you can pull and destroy the males with extreme prejudice and clone the females...