Can a vegging male plant showing small preflowers, pollinate my female autos nearby


Active Member
I have 9 beatiful autos outside right now which are in full flower and 4 regular photos which are just now starting to show bits of vegetation where the preflower areas are. A lot of little balls are showing on some which im sure are male so Ive isolated those ones indoors by a window until I know for sure. Some of the others are showing little pieces of something where the preflower areas are but it's too small and immature to tell if its male or female yet. They can't sprout out a flower, or some hidden bannanas this early in pre-flower (theyre still vegging really) and fuck up my auto's can they?? Sure anything that small would be too weak to cause much damage?
I check them daily to make sure they don't have multiple balls stacking in the preflower area, once they do that I know 100% its male and give it the axe.


Active Member
sure can

but how you know that plant in veg is a male ..?

pics is good
Well it looks like male pre-flowers to me but I think I should wait a while longer because Ive had females before that seemed to show these early one. But I really think its a male. It also has more pointy looking growth in the pre-flower area but I think this might have just been little new leaflet sprouts, but I plucked those off because I thought they might be individual bananas growing out


Active Member
Im seeing a lot of these little wispy type things in the preflower area too, which I know isn't a calyx but shaped like one and looks more like a very small leaf emerging but im worried it could be a single banana
(its kind of hard to see in this pic, but im not talking about the stipules)