well ill assume like most new growers your going with soil, id keep it simple with organics, worm castings, seaweed extract, any high N compost will do for veg(if you starting a compost bin now id try to set it up under a tree, leaves and branches make for excellent nutes once they break down, worms will speed up the process), as for flower focus more on high P and K, i use bat guano, composted fruit(bananas work very well) and bone/blood meals. if your going for the quick and easy route id suggest earth juice(plenty of other companies though), just pH it first(never know how long hydro stores keep them on the shelves sometimes) and go by NPK value, id suggest something like 10-5-10 for veg and the beginning of stretch for flower(first week or so), and for the rest of flower something like 5-10-10(youll still have plenty of N in your medium probably).