can any one please help me


i think i know i made a mistake when i ran out of gh g m b and bout jacks blossom booster even if i think they are probably very good my brain can not figure out how to use it and i will be in so much pain if i kill my 2 plants because i am all most out but this is what i have now and no money
jacks blossom booster
calcium nitrate
epson salt
i have perlite hempy and tap water is 800 ppm and RO but old filter so now up at 100 ppm

can any one please tell me how much teaspoon of each of those 3 to use for gallon of water 2 plants 4 weeks 12/12

and if you can also for new seedling please


Well-Known Member
Its usually based on full feed/the stage the plants in. And if the instructions show continuous feed rates vs. intermittent feeding. I just estimate most feeds on the plants height and width. Not the best help but i havent used that food before.
A ppm meter would help ya though.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the group. How about just some perrlite, water, and light. Till you can get something else. The bloom buster can help. You still can grow a plant without it. I know its hard. I know its even harder right now. I have chronic pain, chronic migraines, and fibromyialgia. I do know pain. I do understand that. I too have confustion. I'm not saying I know exactly how you feel. I'm saying I understand your problem.

With what you told me I would recommend buying some. Because with your challenges this might be difficult right now. To grow this and finish it right takes thought. So you need to have some in you through out the dry and cure process. Keep moving on.