Can any1 help a homie out??


Whats crackin??So I will be starting a batch at the end of this month for the first time in 2 years and im switching everything up this time around, No tent just a small spare room with 2 280 watt Led's, 7 gallon fabric pots and pure Bio Bizz Coco Coir and Vegan Nutes. But here's the thing man, i want add sumthing to the bottom of the pots like hydroton,pumice or something of that sort for better drainage so the roots arent sitting in water but im not sure what would work best or what would be a better option, if u have experience with 1 of them or if use something else that works, id really appreciate some feedback. Hope yall havin a good day n Cheers!!:joint::weed:
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Instead of adding drainage elevate the pots so they don’t sit in standing water. Have a runoff tray below them and use something else to bring them up a bit within the tray. I use trex cut to size and some I built a pvc frame wrapped in galvanized chicken wire using zip ties. Lots of options. You can have fun getting creative I’m sure there are more options.
ight thanks guys, is adding hydroton to bottom of fabric pot just bad idea??
It's kinda old school. 30 years ago I grew in soil using crumpled beer cans for drainage.
Now people put the hydroton or perlite mixed into the soil. Much better.
Whats crackin??So I will be starting a batch at the end of this month for the first time in 2 years and im switching everything up this time around, No tent just a small spare room with 2 280 watt Led's, 7 gallon fabric pots and pure Bio Bizz Coco Coir and Vegan Nutes. But here's the thing man, i want add sumthing to the bottom of the pots like hydroton,pumice or something of that sort for better drainage so the roots arent sitting in water but im not sure what would work best or what would be a better option, if u have experience with 1 of them or if use something else that works, id really appreciate some feedback. Hope yall havin a good day n Cheers!!:joint::weed:

I grow in a spare room as well and settled on Sterilite totes to contain runoff and a metal rack(Home Depot} to elevate pots. Note -I remove excess run-off PDQ. Not big on gnats or mites.


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I grow in a spare room as well and settled on Sterilite totes to contain runoff and a metal rack(Home Depot} to elevate pots. Note -I remove excess run-off PDQ. Not big on gnats or mites.
Real Nice man, looks like u got tall cealings tho which is room 8 feet tall by 10 feet wide which isnt 2 bad IG man better than a tent hhhaaaha
how much u usally get a plant homie?
It just depends on how big you let them get before flowering, and how you trained them. My first one I didn't veg very long, but got a few ozs. I've been growing them a little bigger since then, and average around 1/2 lb per plant, maybe a little less.

Green Crack is a little more work to trim than some other strains, but it's one of everyone's favorites at my house. I just hope I can keep the strain going.
Well OG, you're acting like a troller. People will just ignore you when you interject nonsence into a focused thread. Go hang out with other newbies. Start reading threads about growing. That is your interest? Anyway...there are sections in RUI meant for beginners. That's where you belong...not as an over eager uninvited guest to other peoples threads.
Just trying to help.
He's the OP. This is his thread.