Can anyone help??? Have a pic...


The strain is afghan kush x skunk and they are in late veg. Using hard water...CaCO3 is 87 here but I run ionic hardwater formula nutes that have less calcium and more mag. and use a tall boy blue filter to remove chlorine. I was thinking mag def but foliar fed yesterday with .25tsp epsom salts and they have not improved. PH going in at 6.0 and runoff at 5.9-6.0. All plants look just like this on most fan leaves...also have purplish fan leave stems on some. Any ideas guys????



Well-Known Member
Any chance your blue filter is taking out more than the chlorine? Like some of the nutes you thought were already in your water?

I believe purple stems are a strain related thing, not an indicator of a problem


Active Member
The strain is afghan kush x skunk and they are in late veg. Using hard water...CaCO3 is 87 here but I run ionic hardwater formula nutes that have less calcium and more mag. and use a tall boy blue filter to remove chlorine. I was thinking mag def but foliar fed yesterday with .25tsp epsom salts and they have not improved. PH going in at 6.0 and runoff at 5.9-6.0. All plants look just like this on most fan leaves...also have purplish fan leave stems on some. Any ideas guys????

It looks to me you have a nitrogen, and or mag deficiency. i know becouse i have the medical grow bible . flush for two to three days and add some RO water with mild nutes.. hope thise helps your girls.. happy growingbongsmilie:peace:



Active Member
oo and purple stems are nothing. i have some to and they never hert any thing... your ph is good if your using hydro... soil is 6.5-7.5.... 7.0 being the best.. id get rid of that filter.. you dont need it .. get som RO water .. by a 5 gallon water contianer fill itup ones week at the grocery store 0.25$ a gallon .. do that and youll have less problems..


Well-Known Member

just add a teaspoon to half a gal and direct feed it. maybe twice should do the trick in a couple days


Thanks for all your help guys and quick responses. Kremnon....I think your right about the mag def..I just watered yesterday but I did as you said and gave them 1tsp/gal epsom salt..and gave each bucket a liter of this water. Will keep everyone posted with pics should someone else experience the same.


Active Member
Thanks for all your help guys and quick responses. Kremnon....I think your right about the mag def..I just watered yesterday but I did as you said and gave them 1tsp/gal epsom salt..and gave each bucket a liter of this water. Will keep everyone posted with pics should someone else experience the same.
I put 1 tsp of epsom salt every watering and that does the trick! But they dont look that bad! good luck man!

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
Using hard water...CaCO3 is 87 here but I run ionic hardwater formula nutes that have less calcium and more mag. and use a tall boy blue filter to remove chlorine. I was thinking mag def but foliar fed yesterday with .25tsp epsom salts and they have not improved. PH going in at 6.0 and runoff at 5.9-6.0. All plants look just like this on most fan leaves...also have purplish fan leave stems on some. Any ideas guys????
what does hard water mean? what is the ppm of your plain tap water? forget about a filter to remove chlorine. just let it sit out for 24 hrs. and the chlorine will dissipate on it's own. you need a r/o filter to filter out the other crap. doing this will eliminate the need for "special" nutes. in soil your ph should be 6.5, not 6. but i didn't see your medium mentioned, unless i missed it. forget about run-off. if you ph "everything" you put in/on the plants, ph should never be an issue. if you're in soil, don't foliar feed with epsom, use it in-between feeds with plain water @ the mentioned rate. dissolve it in a small amount of warm/hot water, and then add it to the gallon container. those large crystals can be hard to break down. don't forget to ph it to 6.5, if you're in soil....


Well-Known Member
Looks like a mag deficiency to me, so the foliar feed was a good idea. You'll have to be patient though, as it takes time for a plant to react to changes. It would also be a good idea to start using some Calmag, but the epsoms will do for now. I don't like using epsom because it has lots of salts, lol and it'll buildup in your soil. :)