Can anyone post the official way to water cure???


Well-Known Member
ive tried it a few times b4. imo not really worth it as it kills taste and smell quite a bit. try it out on just a part of your harvest, your opinion on it might be different . heres how you do it, in my own words.
1. cut and trim as normal.
2. instead of drying them fill a bowl or cup or whatever thats suited to how much you intend to cure with water.
3. Carefully put them in the water while watching for air bubbles.
4. after ensuring no air bubble youll need to find something to keep it from floating up, ive used broken salt shakers, forks, a smaller cup(edit-with holes stabbed into the bottom of course), anything with holes in it or thats open like the fork.
5. let it sit for a day or so.
6. carefully dump the dirty water out and refill with fresh water.
7. repeat until the water comes out clear for 2 days in a row.
8. dry your buds, they dry faster than you'd think so keep a good eye on them.


Active Member
I have water cured b4 and I think its pretty nice. You can expect to get about a 15% return on your wet weight instead of 25% on air dryed and cured buds. Its very simple to do and the smoke is very smooth and has a higher level of THC (per weight than air cured)
Step 1 cut and trim bud (dont leave a main stem on it, get it in nug form)
Step 2 fill container with buds half way full, then fill with water (RO water works best)
Step 3 make sure buds are completly submerged in water (not floating) use something to hold them down (do not cover container, place in dark cool area)
Step 4 every 24 hours, drain and replace water with fresh room temp water, do this for 7 days, then dry your buds untill they are smokable. I like to use a food dehydrator on the lowest setting, checking them every hour or so untill they are done. Then jar them up and keep as a Stealth stash:)

Trichomes are not water soluble, so considering the final return rate of 15% vs 25% for air should have more bang per weight.

Downsides you will lose the smell and taste (but I like that sometimes, when I need to light up Stealth style)

Upside Stealthy smoke, smoother than air cured, stronger per weight than air cured.

If your harvest was a good one, try some water has its place



Well-Known Member
Tried and true....

7 days in a mason jar full of water. Tap water will be fine. Capped with a few holes in the lid. Drain water twice a day. I did it every morning and every night. After that, let hang for 24-48 hours and it will be ready to smoke....

If ya are in a crunch and need some smoke while you dry/cure, this is the way to go.


Well-Known Member
Very interesting. I am going to give this a shot. I have been sampling my plants for the last few days by putting the bud sites I pluck in the dehydrator and then smoking spliffs. Gets me pretty stoned (fast heart beat and paranoia e.g. "see things" that aren't there in peripheral vision), but damn is that smoke harsh.