can cigarette smoke negatively affect plants?


Active Member
can smoke in the air affect the growth of my plants? they're pretty well ventilated, as is the rest of the house, but we (my girlfriend and I) do smoke cigarettes inside. will the nicotine (or anything else) affect my plant?


Well-Known Member
Well just think about whats in your cigs. It kills loads of people why can't it a harm some plants.


Active Member
I was thinking that, but then again, plants aren't people. also, the space is well ventilated, so it isn't choking in smoke, theres just occasionally some in the air in my house.


Active Member
oh most definitely ... i don't smoke in my growroom per se, cuz it's a closet, but i do like to rip a cig and drop a deuce every now and then...but theres also a window in the bathroom that i open when i do that


Well-Known Member
I asked this question a while ago
its not good for your plants anymore than it is for you, but unless your blowing smoke at the plant constantly
it shouldnt drastically affect your plant
and dont be blowing hoots at it either lol


Active Member
i read on another site that nicotine is very harmful to marijuana (poisonous) and to wash your hands after smoking so u dont rub it onto your plant


Active Member
my friend grows and dries his herb in his house and he is a cig smoker,when he brings over a sample of his crop it always smells like cig smoke and tatse like poo,he's like "i don't smell anything" and I'm like "exactly you smoke cigs",just my experience,maybe something to consider

fat sam

Well-Known Member
the only thing the smoke will do is clog up the stomata on the leaves with all the tar and nasty shit thats in them, as long as your not smoking in the same room as the plants or blowing the smoke right on them its not going to fuck them up, you can always spray them down with water or some shit once a week that also works to wash off dust and dirt that settles on them, but as far as smoking goes in the same house is ok, in the grow room is all bad

9inch bigbud

Well-Known Member
better to be safe than sorry dont smoke in the room with your plants if the plants come in to contact with tobaco there is a chance that any virus the tobaco plant was carrying could pass it on to your plants and fuck the crop up and the next crop and the next ect... i was just watching the news talking about a plant virus and the plants effected by this virus are being cut down and burned where they grow its threatening the extinction of some plant in a local park and its been found in over 700 parks around the country its a sort of powdery mildew and its spread by people and their dogs walking in the park and then touching other plants.

dont bring anything in to the grow room unless it helps the plants to grow smoking does not help your plants to grow so keep it out. if you roll a joint with tobaco then wash your hands after before you touch your plants!