can growers rent or do they have to own a home in california or vermont/michigan


Active Member
hey everyone I'm new at this I've done a lot of research and saved my money and I'm ready to get started. I'm was hoping to rent a place in california or michigan does anyone know if people rent to growers i want who ever I'm renting from to know i want to grow i want to grow in peace please help thanks


Look for an mmj friendly landlord. I have one, but I looked and asked around a lot. The peace of mind is priceless. They are out there, so good luck in your search. I even posted a craigs ad looking for one and gave my credentials up front. I actually had quite a few replies back but ended up just getting lucky and finding a house that I wanted to rent and the landlord was cool as shit and we were having a beer and talking herb on the first meeting. I have heard the horror stories of people having to do walk-thrus every 6 month- to a year. That is no fun what so ever. A lot of friendly mmj landlords will also demand a few extra bones to let you grow as well. Get ready for that, but depending on what your doing, it could be well worth it. And like I said earlier, peace of mind is priceless...