Can I clip budsite from Autoflowering plant and smoke it?


Active Member
It is day 50 from seed for my auto #1 and without any smoke for a couple weeks. It is predicted to take roughly 65-70 days from seed until this beauty is done harvesting.

Question is can I clip off a small lower budsite and dry it and smoke it? Without smoke for a couple weeks and would like a little something :)

Let mek now


Well-Known Member
yup but dont massacre it, just take a little bud that doesnt look like its going to produce as much as the others, also the high and taste isnt the best compared to being harvested and dry.

id just be patient honestly.


Well-Known Member
yeah man you can trim whatever you want off of it, like the other guy said dont take a big ass bud as your just screwing yourself in the long run because it could double in weight. may not be a bad idea to look into lollypopping her this will give you a bunh of popcorn to smoke and benifit the plants top growth.

look into it though not sure how autos are with pruning.