Can I clone an Auto and when can or should I

Im going to grow 2 autos and im just wondering if theres any problems cloning them or if its just like any other to clone. I've never grown autos but I want to and I figure if I can time the mother plant with the clones then I could have a constant grow that way I can have a vegging grow box and a flowering one. Can I take a cutting when I see it starting to flower or is there a certain time. Like I said I would like to be able to harvest and soon after move the clones to the flowering box. Any ideas or info for me to use.


Well-Known Member
it will clone but you probably will yield 1-4 grams
if its a long running auto then yes but yields will still be low
if you have to feed the need for clones look into kc-45
but in theory yes you can clone a auto
but in reality the clone is worthless
look into making feminized seeds
this is how you keep genetics when dealing with autoflowers you just run a seed crop youll get 100's of seeds from one plant so it outweighs cloning by far
it will clone but you probably will yield 1-4 grams
if its a long running auto then yes but yields will still be low
if you have to feed the need for clones look into kc-45
but in theory yes you can clone a auto
but in reality the clone is worthless
look into making feminized seeds
this is how you keep genetics when dealing with autoflowers you just run a seed crop youll get 100's of seeds from one plant so it outweighs cloning by far
do I need a male to make seeds or that would be for regular seeds. I know I saw a video where they added liquid spray to certain parts of a female I forget where and what but if I did that could I have only a couple branches have seeds or does the whole plant start to grow seeds. I guess even if it did I could still smoke the bud it would just have to be broken up anyway, and or make hash etc and have a lot of seeds like you said. But should I just go with photoperiod plants that are small growing. I would like a faster time from seed to harvest, I think my above idea would be good with regular photo period plants so Im not sure.


Well-Known Member
gibberillic acid
and no male is needed all plants pollinated by this forced hermi will be female crosses
and you not supposed to smoke the forced hermi it is sacrificed for genetics but if you consider 10-15 bucks a seed then you could save thousands from one seed crop of just 2 plants
you could smoke plants it crossed with just not the one you sprayed


Well-Known Member
you should look into iranian autoflower you can clone it while its on 24/0 and then give it a dark period of 18/6 or whatever it takes and it will flower
its not a ruderalis autoflower so it wont grow as fast
there is one from dr.greenthumb called freedom 45 flowers really fast but isnt that great a smoke
okay thanks for the info. Could I spray just one plant and then place it back by the other or could it spread to the other


Well-Known Member
it will cross with the other also
one plant will be smokable and the seeds will be a cross of itself and the other plant
the unsmokable plant will be bred with itself
all seeds will be female from both plants
you wont have to buy seeds for a very long time
you could always sell them if you know or meet someone that grows auto's
$5 a bean would be a killer deal seeing how there feminized
I'm thinking of doing this but instead of using the seeds for myself I want to go around where i live and just throw them out in the open so the can grow everywhere what do y'all think btw i live in Texas lol


Well-Known Member
I have had that same thought auto, I have a few hundred seeds from low grade weed (grown by a relative of mine outdoors, the seeds are fresh) that I've thought about tossing out the window here and there at work, Im a pizza guy btw. Lol Donno if I'll ever do it, but sure does sound like a strong statement! Lmao - I can hear it now "local police find hundreds of cannabis plants growing wild in a small town in Central Ohio. Officials say they don't have the resorces to find them all. Ecstatic locals organize search parties." Lol
gibberillic acid
and no male is needed all plants pollinated by this forced hermi will be female crosses
and you not supposed to smoke the forced hermi it is sacrificed for genetics but if you consider 10-15 bucks a seed then you could save thousands from one seed crop of just 2 plants
you could smoke plants it crossed with just not the one you sprayed
so would I be able to in a way make my own strain ( technically) or is it not considered different until you make generations of it and refine it. dont know if that made sense lol. but anyway I wanted to grow 1 bubblelicious and one pineapple express both autos. would that mean the seeds would be a mix. If i spray the bubblelicous would i be crossing traits into the pineapple express making it a mix of both in the seeds from the pineapple express if I grow them they would be both or I suppose genetics would take over like in anything else and decide if it will pass anything along. Im rambling I know so sorry if Im confusing.


Well-Known Member
you are correct one of them would be a cross of itself the other would be a cross of the 2
the end results would be a fairly wide variety of the 2 parent plants