Can i clone these?

have four of these....all have two nodes with the "tops" cut off.

If the answer is yes....can i store them in the fridge in an airtight bag like below?



Active Member
I would say yes except for the fact that they have been separated from their mother for who knows how long now and that could be a problem :p. I have used similar looking cuttings for cloning in aero, but I've never used the fridge method of storing.
I would say yes except for the fact that they have been separated from their mother for who knows how long now and that could be a problem :p. I have used similar looking cuttings for cloning in aero, but I've never used the fridge method of storing.
Thanks roid..will do


Active Member
ive had succes with the fridge method but i will say that i didnt leave them in there for long. it will work tho. stick em under some "clone x " or some kind of root gel and throw em in some rockwool asap


Well-Known Member
If you stick em in the fridge leave them in a cup of water or with a damp paper towel over the bottom of the stems.