Can i clone yet?


Active Member
i have two branches on my beatiful plant that i want to snip to make two clones. they both are both about three inches long and each have three nodes. my Q is that is three inches too small for a clone ? how deep shoud the stem of a clone usually be buried in the medium? should i clone i that bitch? thanks guys n girls!!!!!!!;-)

(everything in this thread and in all threads made by 420locomotive is totally fictional and are written for educational and entertainment purposes only.)


Well-Known Member
Sounds like its plenty big enough, I take clones between 2-8" in size, 4" being the best. Remeber though if you are clipping off a mother plant, if you dont leave at least 1 node on the branch behind, the branch will not come back. So ya might want to let it get a node or 2 more if it is a mother plant ya intend to keep in veg for future cloning.


Well-Known Member
If you can get a node w/enough stem to manage your fingers to do the steps, then there's plenty to clone, IMO.
I bury mine just enough to cover the powder and wound, maybe the bottom cut is 1" deep, or less.