can i cut fan leavs?


Well-Known Member
so its 18 days and fan leavs starting be to big!
and i cat still understand the other one s male or female, so how long thoes it takes to sprote the white hairs?2013-09-26 22.59.00.jpg2013-09-26 23.08.22.jpg


Well-Known Member
It all depends on whether it's a sativa or indica and as how long on 12/12, in my book it's not wise to cut fan leaves, they are the factories of the plant, they are responsible for photosynthesis.

Royal Blue

Active Member
Looks fine to me light is still penetrating through to the middle
once it get more bushy and the leaves start blocking multiple bud sights
then i would be thinking about snipping a few but until then your
rock solid. A good way in telling which leaves to snip cut or tuck
is look for leaves where the whole leaf is blocking bud sights
that would be a cut situation if just a few fingers are
you can just snip as much of the finger/fingers you want off and
the rest of the leaf will still be producing energy for the plant
and if possible just tuck leaves or tie them i also like to look
under the plant and see which leaves are lit up more than others
but remember try not to make any cuts during flower get
the plant the way you want it during veg then flip.
Hope that helps.;-)

Royal Blue

Active Member
By the way not trying to be a dick but fix your spelling and
if you have already induced flowering i don't know what to say other
then good luck.


New Member
Removing leaves for any other reason then air flow is all part of the problem people seem to have. These hair brained ideas will harm more than help. Defoliating has also been lumped with removal also which is done for another reason. I would only remove leave if you have a circulation issue or your prepping for defoliation, like lollipopping. JAS


Well-Known Member
Noobs guide to fan leaves...

Is it dead?

No ------------------> Don't cut it
Yes -----------------> Cut it

Lol, seriously though. Never remove fan leaves. This is how our girls breathe and create energy using photosynthesis. No fan leaves = shitty yield and unhappy plants. Nothing worse than seeing your girls drooping.


New Member
The leaves fuel your bud production. Cut the leaves. Cut your yield.
Your right just pulling leaves for more light is a joke.
You can increase yield If done properly. By training your plant you can get more of the plant in the right zone and maximize your space. JAS


Well-Known Member
dont cut, Stress and leafs are an important part of photosynthesis and even feeding comes into play, you take away all the leafs, you are going to have excess food and no where for it to go= over feeding, let her grow as natural as possible in my opinion GOOD LUCK one love