Can I drastically change my flowering times?


I originally set them up on a 12 12 schedule from 4pm to 4am. Can I change that to 6 am to 6 pm with out hurting the plants? they have been on the 4pm to 4 am for one week.



Well-Known Member
You can do it, but if it's that big a switch, make damn sure that's the time you want, because you don't wanna do it more than once. Make sure the extra time is in darkness, because you don't want to switch them back to veg. So at 4pm when the lights are ready to come on, change the timer to your new start time. They'll just get an extra 12 hours of darkness, and be fine.


New Member
Like someone else already said, if you're gonna do it just do it once.

My dumbass changed my timing from a perfect 7am to 7pm to a horrible 9am to 9pm (i use my box as an alarm clock... been getting up late all week). Scared to change it back so for a couple of weeks I have to rely on my cell phone :( (maybe less, last flowering girl seems almost done but keeps spitting out new white pistils AFTER the amber ones are sucked back into the calyx's; guess I get to call the chop (trichomes are all cloudy; non gone amber))