Can I even go on vacation now?


Active Member
I would have someone you trust watch over your plants while your gone, thats just me though. It also depends on what kind of system your using. I couldn't leave my dwc system for a week because I have temperature problems and have to change out frozen water bottles 2x a day until I get my cooler system going. Nice name btw I love trailer park boys, greatest show ever =)


Active Member
Train a trustworthy helper so when you do go they know what to do, the right way. I made this mistake by leaving for a week and the person I had look over didn't water enough(probably didn't even go there but once the whole week) and came home to dried out and basically dead plants. 8 of them. Don't learn the hard way.


Active Member
Let us know ur grow set up budy. Any growing system can b left for a week as long as it is set up properly. Even soil based grows. If you are groing hydroponicaly u will need to get a bigger resivoir and if you are soil based either transplant into a bigger pot or run spageti hoses to your plants with a timer. if u need u can private messege me. I smoke a lil to much some times and forget I was helping someone haha.