can I Fim now? advice and opinions appreciated


Ok so a bit of Background for you lot:
They are indica Afgan Kush seeds in Plant Magic Soil, no added nutes and 12 days old (from planting obs) 18/6 lighting watering when they get dry etc etc

So, all my babies are developing their 4th nodes now and as I am a complete noob, I am only gonna FIM one! (just in cases :D)
My partner is worried because they are very young and haven't got their 5 fingered leaves yet. I think (from reading the literature) that it doesn't matter about age and leaves, you go by the nodes.
So my question to you! Can I fim one of my babies? and if so, would you recommend Mrs deformed and slow poke (now caught up a fair bit actually) :::::2014-01-05 10.05.27.jpg2014-01-05 10.06.07.jpg
Or the lil Mrs leading the front of the pack?2014-01-05 10.06.00.jpg2014-01-05 10.06.19.jpg

Cheers and Thankies!!!!

Jus Naturale

Active Member
I don't know that it's too early, per se, but I'd probably give them another few days to a week, personally. No real reason, just my hunch. I might also think about transplanting into larger containers soon, too, so that when you FIM, you won't have to stress the plant further with a transplant before flowering. Either way, both look great!



cheers but I want to utilise the small pots while I can for the watering advantages, and in a few weeks they will be huge and ready to switch to flowering already. if i fim now, I can wait a couple of weeks before transplanting and she should be fine. :) they are super fast growers.


Well-Known Member
Man that's some tight internode spacing. Gonna be a stocky bastard. I start mutilating mine at the 3rd internode regardless of size.


I know right! they are all similar to that, I have high hopes for them :) See that's what I've read! 3rd node. It's just my babies got there quicker :D


ok so after taking all advice into consideration we have come to a compromise and will fim at the 4th node :)