Can I flower and then put back into veg after sexing???? + REP


Well-Known Member
Im growing hydro for a little over a month now from seed. The 3 plants are bag seed and are around 10" tall.

I want to do this since I have some fem seeds coming in 2 weeks so I figure if I could sex the plants before then and pick out the males, it would be more efficient as I'd have more room and less plants.

So am I able to switch to flower 12/12, sex, and then once finding out sex, put right back into veg?



Active Member
Yes you can do that..just switch back to veg light's called reveggin...Could hermie tho


Well-Known Member
This will stress the plant no end and will effect the over hall yeild when you do flower her.If you did flower her and then put her back on 18/6 or 24/7 it would take 2 week till she let you know her sex.It is far better to take a clone and put the clone once rooted on 12/12 away from the other plants incase it is a male.Just 1 cfl will do this if you are struggleing for space.Clone's just show there gender alot faster than a fully mature plant...........................tyke..................................