can i get some clarification?!


Well-Known Member
Ive heard a few different suggestions on when it is best to cut your plant when its done. Ive heard peopel say they put it in 24-48 hours of total darkness before they cut it. ive heard people say they let it go about a week without water so its really dry before they cut it.

I just want to kno if someone could clarify what is infact the best way to go about cutting your plants and when? Should i cut em after they just had there last 12 hours of light? should i give them an extra 24 hours of light for the last day? or more darkness on the last day?


Well-Known Member
Hi Smokemore :)

All of the things you mention are done by people ..some do them all , Some do one or two things ... others just chop ...It's personal choice and all are preputed to have benifit in yeild .

Me ... I flush ... then let them dry out ... give them 48 hours of darkness and cut them when in the dark hours ... and do a funny dance with a Mexican hat on :)


Well-Known Member
Its all down to growers choice really.
People give there plants extra dry periods and dark periods at the end to stress the plant in to pushing the last amount of buddind and producing resin.
Everything has pros and cons and its all trial and error.


Well-Known Member
thnx guys! i think ill try that method and see what happens. seems like thats how alot of people do it. this is only my third harvest, my first two i cut down in the middle of the light period with the soil still a bit moist, took awhile to dry out but the bud was good overall. i didnt cure it right the times before either . this time ill make a point NOT to smoke any until its been cured properly lol