Can i get some help please

grow man

I have a 10x10 room seald with ac and co2 with moniter temp stays in the mid 70s on one side their is two 600watt hps and on the on the side their is a 1000watt hps on a light mover.their all in 4foot hoods .will this work good or is one side going to gorw better then the other...thanks for any help i can get..still new at this


Well-Known Member
Well, common sense would tell me that the side with the two 600's, is gonna outperform the single 1000, based on output alone. While the light rail will help, I really doubt that 140,000 lumens(approx) is gonna outperform close to 200,000. Should work out pretty good though, I've used 400's next to 600's, and there wasn't very much difference.