can i grow half outdoor and half indoor?

hi, i am growing it for the first time and i am growing autoflower sour diesel, my question is it possible if i can put my plant in direct sunlight for 5 hours and rest of 13 hours under lights. it may sound weird but the thing is because of this lockdown in my area everything is closed at the moment for a whole month. and the only lights i have is 23 watt cfl and 2 led 9 watt each which i read is not enough for the plants. so i was thinking to put 5 hours outdoor under sun and rest under lights. and also if you think that i should put it under sun for whole time. the only reason is the place where i am growing is pretty hot more goes more than 34 c in the daytime so i dont really want to take risk putting it out for 12 hours ( i do get 12 hours of sunlight here though)

any suggestions would be great

thank you
Just grow it outside man. Its weed. It will be better off outside than under weak lights. Also, amazon is open. And even where im at grow stores are open- just have to do curbside pickup.
its curfew where i live currently even amazon is delivering only food essentials no electronics at all. m just worried about the pests thats why kinda dont want to grow outdoor fully