Can I have my Carbon Scrubber outside the Grow Room?

Hi Peeps,

I have a shower I can use in a place I rent for 6 girls, I am trying to minimize drilling holes in the walls and ceiling etc
I am wondering could I attach my exhaust fan near where the top of the shower curtain would hang (pointing out-sucking the air from the shower cubicle), then ducting for about 2 metres attached to the carbon scrubber which will be on the floor in the bathroom, totally outside of the shower area. Would it still work or would I need to somehow hang that scrubber over the girls in the shower?

Im sure the scrubber would work better sucking all the hot smelly air directly from the shower but just wondering how effective it would be, if at all if I were to suck the air out first and vent it to my scrubber sitting in the bathroom. Will it work ok.

Any help is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
i asked this same damn question when I got my first carbon scrubber a few years back. I had it the way you are describing for five or six month then i switched it around. Works better the conventional way... Absorbed into Carbon Scrubber> exausted outward through fan

Also note. your humidity in area should not exceed 65-70% or your scrubber will be about as useful as a pop can