Can i hook two power supplys together


Well-Known Member
Ok this is wat i got a 12v 1.5a fan but i only got a 12v 1A power supply from xmas blow up anyways the fan blows but not full speed so could i hook up a phone charger in parallel 12v .5a to achieve my 12v 1.5a needed
no if what your asking is what im thinking, if you take a 12v 1a charger and plug it into a 15a outlet its reduces the current to 1a, if you take a 1a charger that is producing 1a and have to connect to a .5a charger then it just reduces 1a to .5.

correct me if im wrong
for what it's worth, putting batteries in parallel increases it's capacity, putting them in series increases it's amperage. not sure it helps but they ya go :)