Can I make beneficial bacteria with probiotics supplements?


This many seem like a bizarre question but I'm really curious and interested. I seen an interesting video on YouTube of this lady who made more probiotics by using the one pill. It really reminded me of how people make compost tea. Wondering if it's a good experiment or am I asking to kill my plants? I have a lot of left over pills that are about to expire and why not put them to use?
This many seem like a bizarre question but I'm really curious and interested. I seen an interesting video on YouTube of this lady who made more probiotics by using the one pill. It really reminded me of how people make compost tea. Wondering if it's a good experiment or am I asking to kill my plants? I have a lot of left over pills that are about to expire and why not put them to use?
I’d steer clear of using probiotics for your plants. Stick with making worm tea or photosynthesis plus. It smells like a bag of assholes but seems to work well and fairly inexpensive.