is that for flowering?You should shoot for a ratio closer to 3-1-2. ie 30-10-20 etc.
With organic fertilizer you should not use a oxidizing disinfectant like chlorine or Hydrogen peroxide. You would be be limited to beneficial bacteria, enzymes and pathogens, spores etc. Your best bet for well rounded advise in that area would be in the organic section of the forum. Lots of issues with organics are more important to organics than chemical nutrient applications. There are a lot of bacteria processes going on in an organic reservoir that are not happening in a chaemical nutrient system. That is the reason why no chlorine or H2O2 with an organic system.If I wanted to find a recipe for a cheap non-organic fertilizer for aero so I could also use things like chlorine what would I search for? I have tried lots of searches but I can't really find anything solid. I am worried about taste so I was considering vegging with non-organic but flowering with organic.