Can I move it


Active Member
I have a plant outdoors that is about 5 foot now and its planted in the ground. The problem is that it is not going to bud in time, It's just now showing that it's female and it's the 1st of November, Can I dig it up and bring it in, How much stress will it be under if I do this , I mean I may not get anything, anyway, but does it have a chance.

I dont know the size of the root ball, so I know some will be cut. I plan on putting it in a 10 gal container and under lights.

thanks all
Well, if it might die anyway out there in the cold, I would just move it and hope for the best. Just be sure to spare as much root as possible, it's definetly necessary. I have read some posts with people in your same situation, and when they have brought theirs in they seem to do better.
Dig around the roots at a bigger angle, then knock away loose soil. Big container for a 5ft'r
yea thats how you mother at the end of year.
if you bring it in clone it
make sure you keep as much root attached as possible, re plant right away