Can I move my timer forward 15 minutes when flowering?

Land of the Free?

Well-Known Member
I messed the timer up upon initial setup and it would turn off by the time
I get home from work, so I moved the timer forward 15 minutes. I did it twice about a week apart. Has anyone had or heard any bad experiences like this?

Please, opinions and knowlege appreciated.


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hello Mr. LAND,

If you are at 12/12 and yo just move the on time/off time forward 15 minutes... you will be fine...

The main concern is that the plant gets at least 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness.


Land of the Free?

Well-Known Member
Hello Mr. LAND,

If you are at 12/12 and yo just move the on time/off time forward 15 minutes... you will be fine...

The main concern is that the plant gets at least 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness.

Hey thanks allot for the quick reply and info. :-P

I felt like it wouldn't really hurt it. It just so happens that when I mess with the light it's on, so 12 hours darkness it's getting no doubt. The plant is thriving still, even at temps of 89-91 range.

Anyways I posted a 3 day old pic so check it out if you want.

Peace!! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I messed the timer up upon initial setup and it would turn off by the time
I get home from work, so I moved the timer forward 15 minutes. I did it twice about a week apart. Has anyone had or heard any bad experiences like this?

Please, opinions and knowlege appreciated.


mate this has happened to me a few times as well. At 1 stage the schedule was moved to 2 hours earlier,and then three weeks later i reverted back to normal schdule.(due to un4seen circumstances) ive had to do this with a few grows and i havn't had any problems as of yet....hope this helps u any:leaf:;-):leaf:

Land of the Free?

Well-Known Member
Thanks Tiger!

Yeah it does help that you shared your experience with us. I'm glad I'm not the only one, but I'm sure there were many before me.

I really like this forum by the way. Nice People!

Are you Austrailian "Mate"? lol Happy Dingo hunting! Jus Kiddin


Well-Known Member
Thanks Tiger!

Yeah it does help that you shared your experience with us. I'm glad I'm not the only one, but I'm sure there were many before me.

I really like this forum by the way. Nice People!

Are you Austrailian "Mate"? lol Happy Dingo hunting! Jus Kiddin

roflmao......very good offence im from the uk;-) fuck ur not judgemental are;-)


Well-Known Member

Oi for the UK!!! I like the way you guys there talk over there.

How bad are the laws in the UK on Ganja?
the laws here are pretty bad it all depends who catches u i they wanna make an example outta you or not:mrgreen:..they are constantly upgrading it to a class b drug with harsher penalties-bastards:roll:.....due to the fact that they say it makes you schizophrenic and paranoid(who said that?
the only problem is that they dont know how to tax it thats why its illegal......whats the story on ur side of the pond?


Land of the Free?

Well-Known Member
Man I wish the Governments of the world would relax. There is more to life then money and control of others. I hope your country gets liberated.

As far as here in San Diego, California USA the laws have changed quite a bit since I was a kid. There are so many people here that smoke that I guess its overlooked more now. We can now use it legally as medicine if you qualify. Luckily I do.

It's still illegal by Federal Government but hey I live mostly by state laws.
I hope the Federal Government will learn to relax and let the people here really be in the land of the free. That would be true Liberty YO!!


Well-Known Member
San Diego is awesome... minus the people...
That's how I feel about the entire planet.
That said . . . don't forget that in many places, the clocks are turned back an hour on Nov 2nd this year (the 1st, next)

This could result in some folks grows showing light earlier than preferred.

Fortunately I started some 13/11 the other night, with the extra hour on the night side, ie:10pm instead of nine . . . thus when the clocks fall back, I'll just reduce that extra hour, 1/2 hour at a time (from the a.m. timer setting) back to 12/12 hours, and my lights will be on the 9-9 schedule I need here, for security.

Land of the Free?

Well-Known Member
San Diego is awesome... minus the people...

Thanks for the Insult!!:fire:

I bet people are SOooo Awesome were you are from. Granted I don't like allot of people here in SD, but there are nice people. Stop generalizing. Where you from? I bet there are some bad apples there too. :lol:


Land of the Free?

Well-Known Member
That's how I feel about the entire planet.
That said . . . don't forget that in many places, the clocks are turned back an hour on Nov 2nd this year (the 1st, next)

This could result in some folks grows showing light earlier than preferred.

Fortunately I started some 13/11 the other night, with the extra hour on the night side, ie:10pm instead of nine . . . thus when the clocks fall back, I'll just reduce that extra hour, 1/2 hour at a time (from the a.m. timer setting) back to 12/12 hours, and my lights will be on the 9-9 schedule I need here, for security.
Good Point.