can I place my plant in a dark room for12 hrs then back out for 12hrs 4 flowering?


Active Member
can I takeone of my plants put it in a dark room for 12 hrs then bring out for 12 hrs will this make it flower? I'm using the 600watt hps bulb that has both red and blue spec for vegging but I want to flower this monster! Lol it's only like 1.5 ft tall


Active Member
it will but you will get tired of it fast...try putting something over it like a trash can, that will block the light and you dont have to carry your plant around.


Active Member
I Dark roomed my plants for 36 Hrs befor hitting them with more light, Seemed to kick them into flower fast


bud bootlegger
yes, you can easily do what your suggesting, but it will become rather cumbersome rather fast.. that foot and a half monster today is going to turn into a three or four foot monster in about two or so weeks, and wait till it really starts budding and becomes top heave and rather awkward..

it can be done, no doubt, and if its just one plant, it may not be all that difficult.. i know that i like to take my plants into the shower to water them once or so a month, and once they really start to flower hard, it becomes a real chore and i stop doing it after awhile..


How long till you're ready to put the others in flower? Do you have another, even small light that you can rig up in the dark room for the interum. For the first couple weeks of flower, a huge light wouldnt be a "necessity". You could do your preflower for that one under something much smaller.


Active Member
yup i have an extra t5 and 2 red spec low watt cfls' the other ones im going to flower when I have the whole line of botanicare which should be in two weeks. im noticing on my plants that im vegging that all new nodes that are growing from trimming and cloning. i see two little stems? off the node . i hope they didnt turn shemale on me rofl. they were all female cuttings/clones and i havent began to flower . 24/7 light