can i put a uv tube light under my plants in bud

the type u get in an aquarium the blue light 1 as under my plant there not getting much light in fact a couple of the bottom small branches have started 2 dies back n some r light green dues to not enough light as i put 2 many plants in the cupboard lol well its a small room about 150cm wide n 100cm depth n 7 foot high i have a 600 watt hps build in there with in take out take fans n filter a lot of leaves droped off early in bud n i took a few more off 2 let more light through but still not enougth so can i add that tube light n will it help i dont have the funds 2 get a proper 1 from shop plz help any advice welcome also now that my plant r at there tallest at the top it gets to 30 temp i think this may e 2 high how can i change it its only at top of the plant tnks also growing in mft tray hydro with bubbles if any 1 has any advice for me plz reply help me i had my first attempt die on me so need 2 compensate with these lol