Can i remove the fans leaves


Active Member
ok my plant is still kinda young and it has four very large fan leaves that are all shitty looking would it hurt the plant the cut them off, it has lots off smaller leaves coming in under the fan leaves to make up for the lost leaves


Well-Known Member
Just leave them. When they get to a point where a slight tug will remove them, then fine. Otherwise, no reason to hack them off. I'm assuming you're more worried why 4 large fan leaves on a young plant need to be removed. That's not normal. Sounds like a problem.


Active Member
im like 100% sure its because of heat and poor ventilation, thats y imma give them till 2mro to show improvement i was only making sure it wouldnt hurt the plant


Active Member
I dint think indicas like any kind of heat because i have wo indicas that get really butt hurt if its just a little warm, when my sativa is on crack or something because it wont stop growing in all directions