Can i safely move this baby out of my peach tree & into a 5 gallon smart pot?

Can i safely move this baby out of my peach tree pot & into a 5 gallon smart pot (or 5gal bucket) im moving my peach tree outside next week & i would like to get it into a different container as safely and soon as possible (will be growing indoors)20160328_092926-1.jpg Any advice would be a blessing. Also i have no idea on the strain because when i rarely get a seed i just throw it in the peach tree pot (temporarily located inside by my recliner in a 10-15 gallon terracotta pot20160328_092826.jpg ) thanks in advance & God bless
LOL. Give it a shot and let us know. I would say dig at least 3" down to get as much of the root as possible. Probably won't hurt the peach tree if you cut just a few of its roots.

I have a lime tree I put outside a couple of weeks ago. A little too early since we had frost a couple of times. It's in a 5 gallon bucket and it's healthy. But, the cold did kill off the leaves on some of the new growth. I also have a banana tree in a 5 gallon I hope comes back. No sign yet tho.

I also have some youngish outdoor peach and apple trees. Haven't really seen any fruit from them yet tho. I'm gonna try to use up all my old bottle nutes on them this year. I have a ton of left overs, like many bottles of that stuff I just need to get rid of.

Anyway. Happy growing.