Can I Save These Two? Or Are They Boned?


Active Member
these two were a couple freebies and they didn't like the change from nutrient defficient soil to MG house plant soil and I further Exacerbated the situation by trying to help them heal by feeding them a round of 20-20-20 peters plant food well take a look and tell me what ya'll think and Barring saving these two do you think I could get some viable clones off them to retain the genetic???

Thats one heres the other

Well what do you guys think are these two boned??? or can they be saved OH I did thuroughly flush them out by the way ANYway lol let me know what ya'll think Peace

And thanks in Advance Court420


Well-Known Member
man, you really fucked them up bad, lol, no offense meant. that doesnt really look like nuteburn to me, how often and how much are you watering?


bud bootlegger
yah, i'm with dark on this one.. sorry to say, but i don't think that you could even get a clone off of them that would survive.. to get a clone, you need atleast one healthy branch, and i don't see much of anything healthy on them.. nothing personal.. just try again m8..


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, I know i said they are pretty fucked up, which they are, but honestly if you really want im sure you can save them, you just gotta figure out what exactly your doing wrong and fixing it and have some patience, Sometimes the worst looking plants can recover in a week or less even though they look like they are on deaths door. unless those leaves are all crispy and dead....then it would/will take alot longer,anyway, the point is that you have a fair cance of saving them, even as fucked up looking as they are. heat and/or moisture stress is what that looks like to me, nuteburn you'd have burn splotches and miscolored crispy leaves that look fairly different imo.


Active Member
ok lets see. 1. no over watering I watered them just enough to get the soil wet when I originally put them in those buckets. 2. No they absolutely are not getting burnt by anything that heater isn't even plugged in. 3rd. I flushed them with probly 9 quarts or better each. and just to put it out there this isn't my first grow I don't know these twos history other than they were in Nutrient defficient soil and got put into miracle grow either house plant or Roses soil can't remember which right this second. I think between being dug up then placed in soil that had WAY more nutrients than they were acustomed to then being watered with 20-20-20 I done them in. However they haven't turned brown and it looks like there might even be new leaves growing maybe not not sure on that one in either case easy come easy go if they don't make it cause I've got 4 viable clones and 2 Excellent plants aside from these two. and the clones are from known females basicly 2 clones from each of my two females I started last year so they'd be ready to start early this year.

So to recap here is there anything I can do for these two other than waite and see??? obviously I'm not going to give them any more nutrients thats a given. But is there any other tactic I could try???


Active Member
I put the in the soil and gavem too much nutrients on the 14th and flushed them out later that day...I hope they make it but I'm not sure they will, But then again thats why I'm here to ask you guys that have been there and done that lol


Active Member
the day I flushed them out I figured it'd probly be a good idea to let the soil dry abit and lettem breath and get air to their roots for awhile to see if it helps them or not. and the soils still fairly moist just not saturated


Active Member
Coincidentally that fat lady in my avatar She was Last years Plant and damn she was some good smoke lol

Lil Czr

Well-Known Member
I could be wrong, but that doesn't look like a burned plant to me. It looks more like Fusarium wilt or some other fungal infection.


Active Member
I don't know what that means exactly never heard the term before, could you elaborate on that??? this is basicly from what I can gather a severe shock on them cause first they were dug up. then put in soil that probly has 50-75% more nutrient content than the nutrient void dirt they were in. then it was further compounded by my attempt to help them heal from being dug up and transplanted by feeding them the 20-20-20 Peters plant food I'm not too optimistic but I do want to give them every opertunity to recover that I can


Active Member
i think you fucked up to many roots when you transplanted i had a plant get root rot and that pritty much what she looked like

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
its deff a root issue. they could be salt locked and not taking in the water even with a good flush salt lock can remain. what did the roots look like when you transplanted. nice and white or dingy yelow going brown.


Active Member
oh no the roots were traced by hand and were white as notebook paper damn near and all the main roots were and still are intact I made it a point not to damage the roots so they're all intact big thick things too now I'd imagine alot of the little bitty wirey roots that spring off from those main roots got broke but thats was unavoidable and if Root lock were the case it would seem to me that pulling any healthy branch or material and dipping it in rooting hormone and then placing it in a riot rooter should get a responce from the plants but I don't know that with any degree of certainty though...........oh and I didin't crimp,bend or damage them when transplanting I figured they'd perk back up but thats not the case so far

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
Damn bro i hate it that this happened to you. try a clone and see what happens. ive never have to bring a plant back from any thing like that. good luck and keep searchin for an answer.


Active Member
I appreciate the sentiments and advice man......I just wish they'd have pulled through but I double checked something any it's fucking weird too all the original leaves and limbs too it seems are fucked but there definitely appears to be baby leaves developing though so not I'm wondering if all the original greenery is going to die off and get replaced with new growth WELL hold on I should add that I only noticed that on the bigger of the two but who knows they aren't turning brown or anything like that so where theres green theres hope lol We shall see