Can I Save These Two? Or Are They Boned?


Well-Known Member
looks like you have a pretty trashed out grow area and those buckets look to have seem better days. anything wierd in those buckets before you transplanted to them?


Active Member
Might be too late for the advice, but did you flush with just plain water, or did you try to use something like clearex to help remove salt build-up? Also, I've seen zombies like that brought back to life by a good root soak in superthrive


Well-Known Member
You've given us no pictures of their soil, roots, living conditions, etc. From the looks of things you have it in a garbage bin in your basement, and that plant looks exactly how I'd expect a plant living in that to look like.


Active Member
actually no not a Basement at all house is having work done thats where shits been put and the only reason them two were there was for the sake of taking pictures they are now outside in direct sunlight,second in order to get pictures of the roots that'd necessitate digging them up which would most likely finish them off,third no nothing unusual in those buckets and in actuality they are cat litter buckets that were thuroughly cleaned for transporting fish tank water, As for flushing I flushed them with Dechlorinated water..........this clearex stuff I assume a Hydro shop would carry both it And the Superthrive which I take it is a Root innoculater????


Active Member
ok not that it's necessary for sake of this particular issue BUT lol I want Ya'll to see I know what the hell I'm doing when I start off with healthy plants OR clones :);)

First we'll start with my last of 4 Successfull clones thats 4/4 btw ANYway lol here goes




and these next ones are of the Clone I just planted this morning before taking the pictures it's the one in the pot, theres a second clone that was started sooner but it isn't growing as quickly but has a good root system so only needs time.

There are also my Two Ladies New Blood the big Bushy one, And Mrs. Lanky Ass the tall skinny one She was started last year and is a clone from last years grow and New Blood was grown from seed..........both kept alive through the remainder of winter starting from roughly September I think the weaker of the two clones is a Clone of Mrs. Lanky Ass and the healthy looking one is a Clone of New Blood ANYway here we go

Heres a full shot of everybody


This is Mrs. New Bloods clone


This is Mrs. Lanky Asses Clone lol a clone of a clone


Mrs. New Blood on the left & Mrs. Lanky Ass the 2nd on the Right


My two lovely ladies again


1 of the sick plants outside in the sun


The other sick plant


a Close up of Mrs. New Blood the 2nd


a Close up of Mrs. Lanky Ass the 3rd.


And a Close up of Mrs. New Blood the 1st.


and for Good Measure a six pack of Pictures of Last years crop lol

these first two are Big Girl SHE was AWSOME!!!!!!



and Heres Mrs. Purple she was a disappointment quick strong buzz that didn't last worth a fuck anyway here she is



Mrs. Lanky Ass the 1st I ended up offing her because she was becoming a security risk at 4.5Ft tall




Active Member
Well it's nothing short of a miracle but the bigger of the Two has turned the corner and is starting to develope new Growth Think I'ma Name it the Miracle Plant lol the other isn't getting visibly worse but it aint growing new growth either so we shall see but 1 out of two aint too shabby :D