Can i smoke the lafs off my plant ha ha??


Well-Known Member
No seriously i got no weed, and its friday night/sat morn, seriously can i smoke em or what?


Well-Known Member
The larger leaves are pretty much devoid of any THC... so if you smoke em, you won't get high. However, the smaller leaves that are all around the buds on a flowering plant have trichomes on them and will get you high.


Well-Known Member
Shes only 5 week in to flowering 100% sativa ive been told, so dont think im at the trichome stage, just white hairy buds...


Well-Known Member
No seriously i got no weed, and its friday night/sat morn, seriously can i smoke em or what?
Hell yes you can smoke em , you can also smoke toilet paper , won't get you high tho , ummmmmmm never really smoked toilet paper , excuse me a minute.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yea you can smoke the leaves. They're not real strong though, but they will give you a little buzz..


Well-Known Member
hash hash hash, but since u just want to pick them off a still flowerging plant i don't know what to tell u

sorry eiher u wait a while or u rob someone, get $20 buck and buy a bag of chronic


Well-Known Member
hash hash hash, but since u just want to pick them off a still flowerging plant i don't know what to tell u

sorry eiher u wait a while or u rob someone, get $20 buck and buy a bag of chronic
No lol i got losts of dryed up leafs, from my plant, i got the money but im over the limit to drive and its kinda late, prob time to call it a night lol


Well-Known Member
I'm a hydro guy, but in my younger days i would grow plants outside and from female plants i would snip off the top leaves on all the upper branches and dry em and smoke em. I got a mild buzz, but in the process i was making the plants into massive bushes..


Well-Known Member
hmmmmmmmmmm smokin that many leaves will prolly give u a bad headache, u could
A._ cook them into something or make a tea (can't give u instructions on that soory)
B._ make has (will take a while

or u can go with my earlier idea of robbing a guy 4 $20 and buying a bag of chronic it'll only take a miute i swear lol


Well-Known Member
Shes only 5 week in to flowering 100% sativa ive been told, so dont think im at the trichome stage, just white hairy buds...
100% sativa? Hmmm. I rarely see 100% Sativa seed at the banks. Dominate, sure, but rarely pure. Hang onto that sucka.


Well-Known Member
Personally i wouldnt smoke anything from a plant halfway through flower, too much nutrient in the plant tissue.


Well-Known Member
Yea i made it without degrading myself ha ha, its a new day, im sobre, car full of juice and a pocket full of money! I'll be smoking the good shit tonight (as long as i can find some good shit) and lafs = leaves, i was pretty steaming when i wrote that