Can I start to flower this plant ???


Active Member
Hi fellow growers. I'm having an experiment with a single plant. I don't want it growing too big so I topped it yesterday. I am going to leave it a week to recover. Then can I start to flower it ? I don't want it too big so it's only going to be a small plant I hope. But I want big buds so will I get a good ish yield when flowering this early? I'll post a picture. Thanks guys15845789022857376708577011448563.jpg15845790300395975101586096189755.jpg


Well-Known Member
Do you have pre-flowers? If not it is too early. Changing the photoperiod before yoir little one reaches maturity will stress her badly, causing odd growth patterns and and ultimately a lower quality, as well as quantity at harvest. I know you said you eanted to keep it small, topping will help with that, as will a growth frame/trellis like thing you can tie her to. You could look into supercropping for bud size. What is your lighting setup? Strength, distance from plant top? I only ask because this one is 2 weeks into veg. Do you know anything about her genetics?20200318_155454.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Do you have pre-flowers? If not it is too early. Changing the photoperiod before yoir little one reaches maturity will stress her badly, causing odd growth patterns and and ultimately a lower quality, as well as quantity at harvest. I know you said you eanted to keep it small, topping will help with that, as will a growth frame/trellis like thing you can tie her to. You could look into supercropping for bud size. What is your lighting setup? Strength, distance from plant top? I only ask because this one is 2 weeks into veg. Do you know anything about her genetics?View attachment 4507977
Let's simplify...
1. Yes, you can flower now.
2. Yes, flowering now will keep your plant smaller.
3. No, you cannot get BIG BUDS from a SMALL PLANT.

Organic Altruism

Well-Known Member
My advice is build a cheap-ass little SCROG net if you want to keep it short and with some nice nugs. If you try flowering without giving the nodes at least 10 days to mature they're not gonna produce nugs that you're happy with (at least from my experiences). A net will allow you to optimize your space and let you grow it for an extra week after this topping you just did.

Just to be clear though, you can do whatever the fuck you want. If you decide to flower now you're not gonna run into any issues or anything, you'd just be happier in my opinion if you tried getting her to grow horizontally for a week longer. .Smoke has a point, a bigger plant will get you bigger buds.


Considering time/effort vs return its not worth flowering plant so quickly. (unless you run like 20plants at once)

There are many ways to train plant. Trial & error is the best way of learning what suits you.
Here is how i usually train mine.



Well-Known Member
You said you are experimenting- flower her and see how she turns out, its THE best way to find out! And, you can flower sprouts, so you can definitely flower this plant


Active Member
Considering time/effort vs return its not worth flowering plant so quickly. (unless you run like 20plants at once)

There are many ways to train plant. Trial & error is the best way of learning what suits you.
Here is how i usually train mine.
Thanks for the reply. I topped mine the other day . So it will grow like your diagram but with extra growth at the bottom. .think it's a little stunned since topping but I can see a little growth coming on in the last 12 hours so starting to recover. I gave it a low dose of nutes aswell . Was that a good or stupid idea ?


Active Member
Let's simplify...
1. Yes, you can flower now.
2. Yes, flowering now will keep your plant smaller.
3. No, you cannot get BIG BUDS from a SMALL PLANT.
Lol cheers long should I let it veg for now ? I topped it 2 days ago. It's recovering as the growth is continuing as normal. Also I gave it a small watering with a small dose of nutes today to help the Recovery . Was that a good idea? Cheers


Active Member
Do you have pre-flowers? If not it is too early. Changing the photoperiod before yoir little one reaches maturity will stress her badly, causing odd growth patterns and and ultimately a lower quality, as well as quantity at harvest. I know you said you eanted to keep it small, topping will help with that, as will a growth frame/trellis like thing you can tie her to. You could look into supercropping for bud size. What is your lighting setup? Strength, distance from plant top? I only ask because this one is 2 weeks into veg. Do you know anything about her genetics?View attachment 4507977
Hi it's only under a 75watt led light . The chip in the light is 3 watt I think . It has a red light flower ratio of 660nh or what ever it is haha if that makes sense and it's about 580nh blue light for veg . All I know is it's an indica apart from that I'm puzzled . Next time I think I'll get some autos so I can judge the hight a lil and obviously I'm gonna get another light . Will my light still be sufficient for this one plant ? Cheers


Well-Known Member
Many people run plants on 12/12 from seed without any vegging and do very good. Here's a 12/12 from seed I grew a couple years ago. Yeah it was harvested a little early but you can get a decent harvest without a long veg time or any vegging. The issue you're going to have is the lack of light. This was grown under a 600 watt HPS you're going to need more light regardless of when you flower.



Active Member
Many people run plants on 12/12 from seed without any vegging and do very good. Here's a 12/12 from seed I grew a couple years ago. Yeah it was harvested a little early but you can get a decent harvest without a long veg time or any vegging. The issue you're going to have is the lack of light. This was grown under a 600 watt HPS you're going to need more light regardless of when you flower.

Cheers. Nice looking bud that . I'm going to get an extra light . Maybe just a few CFL or another LED . I think I'm gonna veg it for another 2 weeks anyway so it gives me time to get some more light. It's only in a little space so I'm thinking another LED light to cut down on the heat . Cheers


Active Member
You said you are experimenting- flower her and see how she turns out, its THE best way to find out! And, you can flower sprouts, so you can definitely flower this plant
Lol I have done a bit of research and got some good advice off here so I'm going to veg for a couple more weeks then going to get a couple more lights so I can get some decent enough nuggets . I'm not fussed if I get small ish nuggets as I'll know next time more light from the seedling stage all the way to flower. Just fancied a nice smoke from something I can say I have grown myself . It's a buzz thinking about it haha