Can i trick my plants back into veg?


Well-Known Member
ok my room is over crowded and i either take 2 plants out and throw them away or take them out and put them outside they are 12 days into flowering. any recomendations?


Well-Known Member
so if i put them outside they will go back into veg?and wont be no problem even if they have been in flower for 12 days?


Well-Known Member
ok wtf???? so say im 4 days into flowerin and i wanted to flower them outside instead of inside due to light issues, my plant would revert back to veg??? instead of continueing to flower???


Well-Known Member
Unless you're below the equator, the days are getting longer, so putting an indoor plant outdoors COULD result in returning to veg state or, with the right positioning, COULD continue to flower all season (ideally). It's counter-intuitive to the plant for it to be in flower while the days are getting longer, but your circumstances may allow for it. Put them where they'll get plenty of sunshine, but allow for deep shade after maybe 10? hours (assuming you'd prefer they keep flowering) . . . no guarantees tho.
Don't forget to harden-off your plants before leaving them out in the elements for too long at one time.


Well-Known Member
Assuming they're indoors, start taking them out and exposing them to the real world, a little at a time . . . like an hour or two of morning sun, then maybe half an hour of hot afternoon sun, you know, just gradually introduce them to outdoor living, over a week at least, 10 days, little more time out every day til' they're totally outside. It's a common gardening technique. Obviously, don't let them dry out too much.
You'll know when they're ready.


Well-Known Member
see i was lucky enough to pick a week where there were clouds in the sky but at same time alot of direct sunlight coming down and they did fine and its like 106 here and they are looking better than ever.


Well-Known Member
If you just put them in to the outdoor sun it will kill them. You need to "harden" them off by letting them get a few hours of light each day for like a week getting more each day then they will be fine.


Well-Known Member
I just put two young plants(roughly 2-3 weeks old) that were grown under lights outside due to lack of space.Did nothing special.Stuck them at the edge of the woods.Decent sunlight all day and they are growing just fine.


Well-Known Member
i know that. but what i was saying is i took advantage and put mine outside on a overcast week when clouds were rolling through so they werent constantly in direct sunlight only in the breaks of clouds. i have had 20 of my plants outside for 2 weeks and they didnt die but this post was about bringing flowering plants to outdoors.