can i trim during flower???


Active Member
i'm in my 3rd week of flower an i was wondering could i trim the new shoots on branches in close to the main stem an ones that arent gettin much light? would it benifit or harm my plant?? any advice welcome


people here will tell you not to trim blah blah blah like you wouldent beleave. but you can trim just dont over due it you know what i mean? a better option is to tuck or tie down the leaves but not all strains can do this. or add some side lighting. but if you must trim you can. BUT DONT OVERDUE IT!


Well-Known Member
Only trim leaves that are dieing!!!! ZDont take any of the fan leaves of if you dont have to. They help trust me your littler nugs will get plenty of light.


Active Member
people here will tell you not to trim blah blah blah like you wouldent beleave. but you can trim just dont over due it you know what i mean? a better option is to tuck or tie down the leaves but not all strains can do this. or add some side lighting. but if you must trim you can. BUT DONT OVERDUE IT!
my plants hav sort of over growin my grow space an the only light they get is from the top so cant relly add side lighting.


Well-Known Member
trimming in flower can also produce hermies, cos of the stress, so if you do have to, like chi said, keep it to a minimum.


Well-Known Member
normally the best trimming you can do is lollypopping which would be getting rid of the lowest branches since they just suck energy because of lack of light. other than that, trim as little as you can because the more you trim the more energy is taken from bud development.