Yea it sucks. Not appealing to people. It does a pretty good job for me though. After one hit I usually feel like I need a nap because it a too strong. I gave a free sample, maybe half a gram, to a buddy I recently met. Today he tells me I'm missing a step, it's incomplete, its not wax/crumble. I asked what he recommended and he didn't know of course, but said he'd ask his friend...
This stuff has been winterized and purged for hours at around 110 degrees.
The material used was fine trim and about 15% popcorn buds of decent weed.
I've got two glass tubes that hold about five and a half ozs each, that is if it's not been through the coffee grinder. Using whip it 5x butane, three bottles per tube. I had only put them in the freezer for about thirty minutes prior to blasting. Then blasted on a Pyrex dish at110 degrees ish. Let it sit for an hour until just big bubbles no longer popping. Scraped and mixed with everclear and put in a Pyrex measuring cup. Put in the freezer for over twenty four hours,filtered, then poured into a glass dish. It took a few days for the water to finally evaporate. Then scraped onto parchment paper. Then vac purged for a few hours at 110 degrees. Once it stopped bubbling, and after flipping several times, I have taken it out and its been sitting on a shelf folded up nicely in parchment paper.