can I water plants during the afternoon?


Hi. In the morning, pot was not light enough to water but due to the weather we have right now, pot is feeling very light after 6 hours. Can I water it now? It 5pm at the moment. Sun sets around 8pm. I heard that it can cause mold if watered later in the day
I am sure experienced growers will chime in but for me, outdoor, I make the decision on if the plants fan leaves are laying down to water that late. I try to always water early am but sometimes if I’m on day 2 or whatever after a normal water and the temp is 100+ and the plant is laying down I water. If it’s just a light pot or dry soil I wait to the next morning. GL!
I am sure experienced growers will chime in but for me, outdoor, I make the decision on if the plants fan leaves are laying down to water that late. I try to always water early am but sometimes if I’m on day 2 or whatever after a normal water and the temp is 100+ and the plant is laying down I water. If it’s just a light pot or dry soil I wait to the next morning. GL!
This is how its looking right now. Not as perky as this morning.46B839B7-CF96-402C-9265-898A30E75905.jpeg4BFB6894-7340-4414-9BC5-2EE83192583F.jpeg
I usually water it once every 2 days. But we have a heat wave this week at temps are over 100F. I watered it yesterday morning and its dry already. Its not rootbound though. I checked it yesterday. Bottom of medium just has a few roots.
Hard to tell but Id guess its root bound,how old is it?
yep. It 4 inches tall. Problem is laws in our country states that plants cant be visible to neighbors so I had to control its height somehow
Time for a transplant,you control height by topping and tying branches down so it grows horizontal more so.Will it grow in the ground?Or stay in a pot?