Can marijuana kill you?


Well-Known Member
There has never been a recorded human overdose from marijuana. According to which US Government authority you want to believe, the lethal dose of marijuana is either one-third your body weight, or 1,500 pounds, consumed in fifteen minutes. Researchers hired by the Drug Enforcement Agency have reported that it is nearly impossible to find a dose of marijuana large enough that it will kill a rat.


Well-Known Member
the only way you could die of marijuana is if you got strangled with a hemp rope for even thinking it could kill, im high..


Well-Known Member
if anything that had something to do with oxygen deprivation or something . . . not weed.


Well-Known Member
You could die from choking on a pot brownie or space cake or anything with pot in it.

It would be every bit as dangerous as plastic bags are, so surely it would require warning labels.


Well-Known Member
smoking can give you cancer.
or you could take a big enough hit for your head to explode.


Well-Known Member
no buddy dont you think if weed gave you cancer ther would be recorded records of it it only damages the cillia of your lungs witch helps thyour lungs keep dust or other particles out of your lungs


Well-Known Member
According to the US Government's own research, the lethal dose of marijuana is at least one-third your body weight, consumed in fifteen minutes. If it is smoked, about half of the active ingredient is lost in side stream smoke, so you would have to smoke about two-thirds of your body weight in marijuana, in about fifteen minutes. There has never been a recorded lethal overdose in humans from the use of marijuana in any form. The best evidence on lung cancer comes from Dr. Donald Tashkin of UCLA, who is the leading researcher on that topic. His latest research shows that marijuana smokers actually have a slightly lower incidence of lung cancer than people who do not smoke at all. This may be because the active ingredient in marijuana, THC, is known to kill various types of tumors. Marijuana may have a slight protective effect against certain types of cancers. The most comprehensive long-term study of the effects of marijuana was done by Kaiser Permanente. They studied the records of over 65,000 patients over a period of years. They found that they were no significant differences in the health histories of marijuana smokers versus non-smokers.


Well-Known Member
no buddy dont you think if weed gave you cancer ther would be recorded records of it it only damages the cillia of your lungs witch helps thyour lungs keep dust or other particles out of your lungs
there are plenty of "recorded records" of smokers getting cancer.


Well-Known Member
anything you smoke can give you cancer.

you could smoke the cure for cancer, and it would give you cancer.
when things burn they release carbon. a carcinogen.


Well-Known Member
dude, any smoke is bad for you.

That is why there are vaporizers. I really don't think weed smoke will cause any cancer.
It doesnt have all the chemicals that the cigs do. The fact that you are combusting plant matter on the other hard is really unhealthy and is best left to an herbal vape or a Ti style vape