Can my Plant Recover?

Hey guys

It's my first grow, Annesia Auto, and after 16 days I knocked my pot and the plant fell flat on its head and snapped the main stem below all the nodes as well as squahsing the plant, the stem was still attached but it couldn't stand up anymore.

I buried the snap under the soil and used some duck tape above the soil to prevent it falling over.

It was in amazing condition before the fall and looked okay after the repairs, it looked okay for 18 hours after, but then at 24 hours after the snap it looked really bad like it was dying.

I've heard they sometimes get worse before better.

What are the chances of recovery here?

Pics attached, one pic straight after surgery, one pic 24 hours later.



Well-Known Member
For the future when this happens, and it will if you grow for awhile , try using painters tape as it's easy to remove and in the case of a really bad break where the skin is broken use a dab of non processed honey as an antibacterial agent. Don't bury the break, if you need a support use a bamboo pole and some wire. Hope it perks back up for you and don't get down about it too much. I kill at least two plants a year in Solo cups that way as my hands shake from medical issues and I fling those little bastards all over my tent :mrgreen:
Thanks for the advice man, yeah I'm sure this will happen again, I need to do better surgery next time.

This is it after 36 hours, pretty sure I've lost hope with this one.

Starting germinating a new seed, all part of the learning process so not feeling too bad, glad it happened early so I'm ready for future breaks.



Well-Known Member
That's not looking too promising especially since it's an auto and won't have the time to recover like a photo could. I keep an oops kit in the grow room with tape, tooth picks for splints honey and some wire. Sounds like you have a great attitude about it and a new seed will give you a fresh start and more experience. Best of luck with the new plant!
That's not looking too promising especially since it's an auto and won't have the time to recover like a photo could. I keep an oops kit in the grow room with tape, tooth picks for splints honey and some wire. Sounds like you have a great attitude about it and a new seed will give you a fresh start and more experience. Best of luck with the new plant!
Thanks again man!
I gotta get myself one of those oops kits prepared myself.