Can other plants be supercropped?


For example is it possible to snap the stem of a sunflower to get a bigger flower? I did some research on google but couldn't find anything to do about it.
You should be the first to try it man :smile:.. Im sure its not just cannabis plants that take well to suppercropping.. Try it out with a Sunflower
theres a species of cannabis that is used to make fabric which explains why it's so strong. i think it's c. ruderalis but i may be wrong. so even the other cannabis species carry that trait. kinda by default. but the strength of the plant's tissue is genetic and indicative to cannabis and other crops that are grown for the same fabric making process. sunflowers need to have strong stems to support their height and weight. so my guess is yeah maybe it would work so give it a try. but to think supercropping would work for any plant i think would be a false assumption. that's my best guess. but my advice is to try it anyway and then you'll know for sure.
theres a species of cannabis that is used to make fabric which explains why it's so strong. i think it's c. ruderalis but i may be wrong. so even the other cannabis species carry that trait. kinda by default. but the strength of the plant's tissue is genetic and indicative to cannabis and other crops that are grown for the same fabric making process. sunflowers need to have strong stems to support their height and weight. so my guess is yeah maybe it would work so give it a try. but to think supercropping would work for any plant i think would be a false assumption. that's my best guess. but my advice is to try it anyway and then you'll know for sure.

Could you mean Hemp??.. :razz:
yup hemp :D, i got a shirt that i bought 20 years ago still intact with fresh looking colours.
yeah me too. got it from a store called wonderland. i think i bought it about 20 yrs ago. still in fine shape. wish i was still in as fine shape as the shirt.
hemp totally needs to be legalized for making clothes. it's super durable. but i can't see cotton growers and other cotton manufacturing companies letting that ever happen.
many of my sunflowers have fallen over and they get back up just fine, makes for a cool looking stem.

supercropping does not work with catnip, best to just keep topping.
I would like to see a person do a bunch of journals of super cropping foods and such and then making 1 journal of all the ones it worked on
I super cropped my tomatoes last season and it worked. Sucker got so big it ate my green house lost a lot because I needed hedge trimmers just to get into the damn thing. It made matenance real hard.
yeah. it depends on the plant though. Only on plants that have somewhat soft stems, and grow in the same type of manner as cannabis, if you know what i mean. like they grow one shoot, out of that comes 2, then 4, then 8, then 16 und so seems like there is no information on topping and supercropping anything other than weed. theres probably a real name for super cropping out there somewhere