Can someone check my water please


Active Member
Hey guys,
So I got a bad nutrient lockout and wanted to know what its causing. Can someone please check my tap water?
I mix 50/50 Tap water and RO water. I use GHE Flora series and am growing on soil. I think I have way to much calcium and not enough magnesium? What is the right ratio?

CalciumDIN EN ISO 11885-E222,202,402,30 mmol/l
MagnesiumDIN EN ISO 11885-E220,320,400,36 mmol/l
SodiumDIN EN ISO 11885-E221,041,611,39 mmol/l
PotassiumDIN EN ISO 11885-E220,090,200,14 mmol/l
ChloridDIN EN ISO 10304-1 (D20)0,991,751,33 mmol/l
NitrateDIN EN ISO 10304-1 (D20)0,010,080,03 mmol/l
SulfateDIN EN ISO 10304-1 (D20)0,591,030,81 mmol/l
Phosphorus ges.DIN EN ISO 11885-E220,060,080,04 mg/l
Silicium DIN EN ISO 11885-E225,86,96,3 mg/l
And what's locked out? Got any pics?
Also, as your tap water actually looks fairly clean (I'm both high and drunk right now, so I may be misreading things) I doubt that's your problem.
Actually, a lot more info would be appreciated, like how old are the plants and what are you feeding them? What medium?
I water with PH 6.5.
I think it is a Calcium lockout. I will upload pictures soon.
I think you are right. Have you been feeding more and more Cal/mag trying to correct the problem? But it got worse? CalMag has 3 times as much Calcium as magnesium so you can wind up with calcium lockout....It happens.

What I do now in soil...I use 3 ml cal/mag along with 1/2 tsp. of Epsom salts per gallon of water right from the beginning and then they get the magnesium they need.
Have you been feeding more and more Cal/mag trying to correct the problem?
I only fed magnesium but my soil already has Cal in it. I usually run a NFT Hydro system but got bad root rot due to hot temperatures and a broken water cooler. Bennies didn't help either because the water was just too warm. So I put them all in Soil. Should I flush with a low EC and then feed?
It's been a long time since I last grew in soil. Shit is so hard for me as a hydro guy :grin:.

I actually have a new guess. I think it is lockout + nutrient burn. I will upload pictures in an hour so you can see
Might try to water next time, just straight water feed . get some extra runoff next feeding and test the ph of runoff. I cut back on nutes everytime leafs wanna do that and my plants respond better. But some plants are finicky
Nah I had bad experiences doing this. With fully organic super soil ok but with a normal soil I think its a bad idea.
The only difference between “normal” soil and “organic” soil is compost. It is microbial activity and composition of the soil that keeps ph in the proper range for absorption. Lockout is the opposite of this. But ok go ahead adjust the ph of the water you give and use your soil as a hydroponic medium if you want but you’ll be fighting that necrosis forever.
Had very similar issues with my own tap water. Kept getting those same rusty dry spots I see on your plants that everyone kept telling me was a ph and/or cal/mag deficiency. I was adding cal/mag but did not fix it; found later it was an absorption issue AKA ph lockout of macronutrients. The solution in my case was to stop using tap water altogether.
Looking at your water report and trying to adjust nutrients to compensate for whatever you think is lacking or not will not help and you’ll go crazy trying to figure it out. What’s more important than the mineral
content is the level of chlorine/chloromine and flouride that kills off or at least upsets the microbes and fungi that break down organic matter and assist w/absorption. Once I started using dehumidifier water and collected rain all these problems went away. No ph-ing anything; just straight water. You can always add macros in soluble form if needed but if you just add compost, mineral inputs, and fertilizer to the soil after each run you shouldn’t need to. I know many others get away with tap water but I could not.
Plagron soil is organic and fertilized right out of the bag according to their website. It’s possible that whatever you have given the plants up to this point could have been detrimental to microbial or fungal activity. The chloride I see in the water report and/or the nutes you use could be at the root of the problem. Hope this helps
You should just let us know what you want the response to be
I want some pros to tell me what's going on with my plants. I am sorry that you are not right with your theory that it is a PH problem.
I'll try to use only RO water but I doubt thats the problem. I did soil grows without RO, so only tap water, and they did fine.
I still think it's either a nute burn or a lockout or both. Maybe @Jimbo the Gael can help?

The plants were one month in veg. and are 3 Weeks into flower now.
I only fed magnesium but my soil already has Cal in it. I usually run a NFT Hydro system but got bad root rot due to hot temperatures and a broken water cooler. Bennies didn't help either because the water was just too warm. So I put them all in Soil. Should I flush with a low EC and then feed?
It's been a long time since I last grew in soil. Shit is so hard for me as a hydro guy :grin:.

I actually have a new guess. I think it is lockout + nutrient burn. I will upload pictures in an hour so you can see
Are you saying here that you started them in hydro and had to change them to soil? Or that you started these seeds in soil because of the problems with your hydro system?
FWIW, if it were calcium newer growth would be affected, calcium is "semi-mobile", but doesn't tend to get moved around in the plant.
That really looks more like a potassium deficiency to me.