Can someone clarify the spectrum differences..


Active Member
.. for vegging and flowering? I know that red/orange is better for flowering and blue/white is better for vegging, but is there some kind of proof to back it up? A study? A chart? anything. I have been looking everywhere, using search functions, browsers, different forums etc and nowhere does it explain why. The only thing that people seem to be doing is repeating what someone else said, without knowing how it actually works.

Is it so that during flowering the plant absorbs more red light than blue? If so, someone point me to some reliable source that claims so.

It seems to me that some old 60's grower came up with this "theory" and that the others are just repeating what he said, speaking out of their asses. Im sure its nothing like that, but i'd like someone with knowledge to clarify it once and for all


Well-Known Member
I dont have any links but i know its science, it wasnt an idea created by marijuana growers, its plants work. Look up stuff on photosynthesis, Chlorophyll, Spectrophotometry, things like that. It was discovered by scientist not pot heads.