Can someone confirm what sex these preflowers are?


Active Member
I started growing an auto and normal plant at the same time because I expected the auto to be done by now. It's day 60 and she just stopped stretching like a week ago, website says <8 weeks...

So I would like to confirm the sex of this normal seed so I can stop wasting nutes on it if it's male.

[Here's pics](

Was thinking I would have to flip the lights to figure it out, and was worried it could stress the auto, but then when refreshing myself on how to sex plants, remembered you can tell from preflowers by like 2 weeks ago supposedly... Just looking for some confirmation.

Thanks all!!!

[Here's some bonus pics of both plants](

Noone has really been able to say either way so far. My guess and the couple others that I've heard have guessed male, but noone has seemed at all sure. I might just flip the lights tomorrow. I don't think it should stress my auto too much.
Maybe try taking a semi decent photo that is in focus. That would help us. Your picture is total garbage. If you see any kind of sacs its a dude... white hairs... cha ching!
Maybe try taking a semi decent photo that is in focus. That would help us. Your picture is total garbage. If you see any kind of sacs its a dude... white hairs... cha ching!
There's like 9 pics in the album, the first one was kinda blurry though. Guessing you didn't see the other 8 that I think came out pretty well
Maybe a week or so honestly, looks like its about to show sex so just hang in there and let that auto finish.
You're supposed to be able to tell from preflowers, which are supposed to show by week 6 for both sexes :-(

I changed the light schedule last night to get my normal seed to show me what it is. Hopefully it will only take a few days for it to be obvious that these preflowers are balls so I can stop wasting nutes on it