Can someone help me find the second true node for topping? Pics


Active Member
Thanks this is my first grow. Hempy buckets, here are the pics I want to top them at the second true node for 4 colas but I get confused and dont want to cut at the wrong node any help is appreciated. Also I am not sure if all my plants are females yet. 1 is really tall so im scared its a male. So if anyone could use paint or something and show me where the second true node is thank you. Dont mind the slight nute burn. I messed up a bit :(


Got too laugh at this "Not Sure If My Plants am females yet" 1st off Grow under light for 3 weeks for 18 hour a time, Then switch Time to 12 hours then they will turn too ladies.. as for nods they look far to young to tell yet. good luck..


Active Member
Got too laugh at this "Not Sure If My Plants am females yet" 1st off Grow under light for 3 weeks for 18 hour a time, Then switch Time to 12 hours then they will turn too ladies.. as for nods they look far to young to tell yet. good luck..
lol all plants aren't females just because the light is 12/12.


Well-Known Member
hes asking how to uncle ben top the plants not if they are females...just count 1 node 2 node i would think theres plenty of pictures in UB's thread. i just did it to 2 sleeskunk this morning and cloned the tops to see if they are going to be male or female instead of vegging them 6 more weeks.


Well-Known Member
op they can be topped, look at uncle bems topping technique thread. or just type topping into the search bar here, top right corner.


Active Member
i looked at that thread im just confused on where to cut it and dont want to mess it up.tall nodes.jpg

Is this right? Updated pic^


Well-Known Member
The nodes are where the braches grow out from the main stem. The second node is the one you have labeled as "first node".

How old is that plant? How many nodes does it have?


Active Member
just about a month. I get confuse because there are where the big leafs come out of the stem an then there are also the smaller ones that came later i dont think you count those. if any one can paint where to cut id appreciate it


Well-Known Member
Just cut one or two nodes from the top. Youve waited to long to cut the second node now. you'll lose 2/3 of your plant.


Active Member
So this is just my two cents on this. By the way your nor going to mess this up :). The first set up branches growing out right above those little leaves that are dying off. That would be the first node, the branch that is going to grow up and produce buds. The one you have labeled first node is actually your second true node as pointed out by MYOB. You can cut right above that....anywhere between there and below where you have labeled second node. The way you have it drawn up now your showing the cut right above the third node. Everything below where you cut will grow like it is now the main shoot. UB recommends topping for 2 or 4 main colas....if you top above the second node like your picture showing you would end up having more main shoots but there becomes a tradeoff of more smaller bud sites vs one very large (no top one main cola) to 2 or 4 smaller colas. There is a sweet spot where the theory suggests topping for 2 or 4 main colas will out produce the one main cola but to many may decrease yield. All in all until you get down everything else you will prob yield close to the same regardless based on your other limiting factors. Top, Fim, lst, scrog to create many tops and a smaller bushier plant with an even canopy....recommended for limited verticle space, low light conditions, or just preference of style of growing. You could even top at the location on your plant and remove the bottom two branches closest to the perlite in you hempy bucket.

Saying all that know that topping typically creates a bushier looks like your grow space is very limited. It will be pretty tough to have 4 bushy plants in your limited space. If you planted from seed (not fem seed) then odds are not all will be female. Never know may just get one may get three ladies. If you do not top you might be able to do more of a SOG type grow and concentrate of 4 main colas.

What type of light do you have? Is this area in your picture for starting and vegging or is this space all you got? You can and should train your plants based on these factors, don't just think topping is going to equal more yield.


Well-Known Member
The plant is far too old to cut that low... I'm pretty sure that would kill it due to major stress. Just top it a node down or 2 like others have said.


Active Member
haha...wait your pretty sure it would kill it? Lol Maybe you should also read up on topping also ;) It is recommended to wait until your plants get about 5-6 nodes before topping. His plants do not look that tall or too mature to me? Don't worry about cutting your plant in half, those bottom shoots will start taking off. Anyway, before you go topping the top node or one just below go back and read the UB's topping thread again and get an understanding of what topping does and how it affects the plant. People end up topping in all different places and like I pointed out what are you trying to accomplish in your grow space?


Well-Known Member
All of this is speculation based on the unknown age of the plant. Some say top only 2-3 nodes down, others say do it the Uncle Ben way. I've done several different variations, but it really comes down to your space and lighting. If you are growing with some weaker LED panels or fluorescent type lighting, you want short and bushy, so the UB method works best (imho). If your lighting and space are such that you can get good bud growth on a taller plant, top only 2-3 nodes down.

Just my experience, albeit limited.


Active Member
I topped them how i drew it in the picture so we'll see what happens they are doing well 24 hours later. The plants were all about a month old from seed. Hoping to have at least 2 female.
No I have a pretty large closet thats just where i Have them confined for lighting right now I only have a 400 watt hydrofarm. Thank you for the responses I was trying to get the 4 main colas but with where i cut it now Im not so sure what will happen.


Active Member
I was also confused and found a lot of people seem to top above the second set of jagged leaves.