Can someone help me with this change?


Well-Known Member
I have a white widow in the final stage of flowering, and sprouted a few aurora indica during the process.

Long story short, my indicas are rather small still, and my widow is about done. Can I just change the light fro 12/12 to 18/6?

My AI's have been at 12/12 since birth, and are now at appx. 6 inches tall and like 6-7 inches wide (real bushy- classic AI)

Thanks Gang! :peace:


Active Member

I'd just get a single double bulb T5 and put the AI under that on 18/6 until the widow is done. I wouldn't extend the photo period on a flowering plant though. How many weeks are left? Do you plan on just trimming the buds from the widow and re-vegetating it? If you were going to reveg the widow then It might be ok. Do you have any clones?